What is it about fantasy and young adult genres that makes me love it so much?
I mean I am a thirty-something year old mom! Aren't I suppose to read more adulty stuff?
Well, like people love to say, "You're only as old as you feel". And that is so true. I'll always love dragons and castles, werewolves and vampires, and what ever else all those imaginative authors are able to think up. It's adventurous and fun! Life has enough seriousness in it. So I want to immerse myself in a book that is so far from reality, so that I can, even for just a while, forget about all the troubles of the real world.
So where am I escaping to now? Caraval by Stephanie Garder. Just started, but so far I don't want to stop reading. I don't want to exit that world to resume living my real life. But, like all good things...
Unfortunately, I have to work full time, feed the family, and yes, sleep. The dreaded thing that drags me out of wondrous tales every night.
Caraval looks promising, so far. The characters started out fairly good. The only one annoying me slightly at this stage is Scarlet. Very overprotective and not thinking straight. But I do believe all will become clearer the further I get, so no worries.
Till next time. Keep on reading.